Creighton University Libraries are dedicated to support faculty, staff, and students by delivering resources in many ways. The libraries own or purchase access to resources that can be discovered, accessed, or requested via JaySearch. For other materials you can either borrow from other libraries or recommend a library purchase. Material requests are done in three ways. 

Interlibrary Loan & Document Delivery

Creighton Libraries offer Interlibrary loan as a service in which books and articles not available at Creighton can be obtained from another library. Current Creighton University students, faculty, and staff are eligible for interlibrary loan services at no cost. Turnaround time depends on the nature of the material requested and the geographic location of the lending library. You will be notified by email when books or other returnable items are available. Articles are sent to you via email as a PDF file. 

Library pickup & Personal Delivery

In a crunch for time? Then let us know. We will pull, check out, and hold your item to be picked up or we will inter-campus mail items to your work address. 
You can submit your pick up or delivery request through JaySearch. Simply identify the item you want, sign in with your Creighton netID, and click “Request” to see the options, including personal delivery to your work address. We will put the item in inter-campus mail within 24 hours (M-F). 
Please note that the library’s delivery service applies only to items already in our collection. The following cautions also apply: 

  • We are unable to mail oversized or extremely heavy items. 
  • We may be unable to fill your request if you have overdue items or fines. 
  • Please limit your request to five items or less. 
  • If returning items via campus mail, please factor in transit time to meet the due date.

Recommend a Library Purchase

Creighton University Libraries welcome recommendations from faculty, staff, and students. Please fill out the linked form to suggest materials to add to our collections. Once received, a subject liaison will review your request and determine if the item can be purchased.

Contact ILL

Have a question about an interlibrary loan? Contact Lynn Schneiderman at | (402) 280-2219