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Ignatian Formation and Ministry

Ignatian Formation and Ministry for Faculty and Staff

This Department, which is a department in the Division of Mission and Ministry, offers a place where faculty and staff can find a listening ear and an understanding heart when faced with crisis or challenge. All Jesuits and ministers in this department are happy to field a request for collaboration or help. If you would like more information about the new department, please contact Susan Naatz: extension 3186; or Julie Carlson extension 2773.

Ignatian Formation and Ministry team

From lower left: Susan Naatz, Fr. Andy Alexander S.J., Fr. Larry Gillick S.J., Julie Carlson and Fr. Greg Carlson S.J.

Susan Naatz
Senior Director


Andy Alexander, SJ
Associate Director


Larry Gillick, S.J.
Associate Director


Greg Carlson S.J.
Assistant Director


Julie Carlson
Administrative Asst.


Society of Jesus crest

With joy the Division of Mission and Ministry announces a new Department to provide pastoral/spiritual outreach and Ignatian mission formation for faculty and staff. The Deglman Center for Ignatian Spirituality directed by Father Larry Gillick, S.J. and Father Greg Carlson, S.J. is partnering with the Collaborative Ministry Office led by Father Andy Alexander, S.J.. This initiative unites the efforts of Frs. Alexander, Carlson, and Gillick. Susan Naatz, formerly Associate Vice-provost for Mission and Ministry, has been hired to be the Senior Director of this newly combined ministry.

This new arrangement allows Frs. Alexander, Carlson, and Gillick to continue their well-known work in Creighton Online Ministries, respectively, and Ignatian Retreats, among many other effective projects, while making it possible to reach out even further into pastoral care and Ignatian Formation for faculty and staff members.

This new Department is called Ignatian Formation and Ministry for Faculty and Staff. This Department will offer mission formation, retreats, pastoral/spiritual outreach and provide a place where faculty and staff can find a listening ear and an understanding heart when faced with crisis or challenge. Any of the five is happy to field a request for collaboration or help. If you would like more information please contact Susan Naatz: or Julie Carlson in the Deglman Center for Ignatian Spirituality:

The Collaborative Ministry Office

The Collaborative Ministry Office offers programs to orient faculty and staff to the Jesuit and Catholic mission of Creighton University, along with resources for helping faculty and staff contribute to that mission. This includes coordinating Creighton’s Online Ministries.

Creighton Online Ministries

By sharing the gifts of the Spiritual Exercises and Ignatian Spirituality through spiritual direction, retreats and workshops, the Deglman Center for Ignatian Spirituality educates and services students, faculty, and staff for personal and corporate growth.

Offered by Susan Naatz, Father Larry Gillick, Father Greg Carlson


  • A one-hour presentation on mission or Jesuit Values
  • A "morning on mission" offering two presentations and periods of reflection on the department's mission.
  • A retreat day on campus, including presentations by Susan Naatz or Fathers Gillick and/or Carlson and experiences of silent reflection
  • An overnight silent retreat at the Creighton University Retreat Center in Griswold, Iowa either Friday to Saturday or Saturday to Sunday with opportunities to listen, share and enjoy the quiet.

Offered by Father Andy Alexander in the Collaborative Ministry Office


  • A fall and a spring reading group
  • A luncheon to experience students share fall and spring service trip stories
  • Managing to the Mission, co-sponsored by Human Resources
  • A program for Creighton Departments on Discernment of Spirits in our workplace
  • A reflection session for Creighton Departments on the Catholic, Jesuit Mission

Offered by a variety of speakers


  • Take It to Heart: Experience Ignatian Prayer: Our imagination can be a powerful tool for prayer, as Ignatius of Loyola believed. This session on Ignatian contemplation explores the ‘prayer of the heart.’ Our prayer lives may never be the same.
  • Restoration Through Reflection: In this session, you will learn and utilize the gift of deep refection - a key threshold in the landscape of Ignatian spirituality. You will come away refreshed and empowered to implement self-reflection practices for your life.
  • Jesuit University in a Broken World: At the core of our mission is the commitment to human dignity. This initial conversation will share the basics of Catholic Social Teaching. Why would Pope Francis wash feet in a detention center?
  • Saint Ignatius and Creighton’s Mission Today: An opportunity to reflect on the life and spirit of St. Ignatius, founder of the Society of Jesus/the Jesuits. Join other faculty and staff for a presentation inviting us to relate his life to our own work together at Creighton.
  • The Faith that Does Justice: Jesuits and colleagues have taken seriously the call by Pedro Arrupe, S.J., to commit themselves to social action. Learn why six Jesuit professors and two lay colleagues were killed in El Salvador in 1989.

This new program involves three courses: The Theology and Practice of the Spiritual Exercises, The History of the Ignatian Tradition, Prayer as Pilgrimage: 8-day retreat while traveling to Ignatian places in Northern Spain, Rome and Paris. For further information e-mail: