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Patient Care

    Vaccine Mandates

    The COVID vaccine is mandatory for all healthcare workers. This includes all CHI hospitals including CUMC and the VA. Residents and fellows need to follow CDC vaccine recommendations.

    Where to Register Your Vaccine Status

    Please visit the Birdhouse to upload your vaccine documentation.

    Where to Find Vaccines

    COVID vaccines are available is to go to

    Where to Get Tested

    Below are options for COVID 19 Testing:

    • Residents can call CHI Employee Health at 402-398-6581 for a nurse screening and instructions.

    When to Return to Work After Testing Positive for COVID 19

    • The date of onset of symptoms or the date of a positive COVID test (if asymptomatic) is day zero.
    • Residents and employees will need remain at home for days 1-7.
    • The following conditions must be met in order to return to work on day 8:
      1. Wear an N95 mask at all times for days 8-10
      2. Must be fever free for a minimum of 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication