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About the Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging in Medicine

Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging at our School of Medicine Omaha and Phoenix campuses is built on the foundation of trust through research-driven initiatives.

Our office remains aligned with the greater mission of Creighton University that Jesuit values have always stood for equity and justice.

We believe human life to be a profound gift and wish to extend that respect for our fellow human beings by acknowledging, respecting, and celebrating the many cultures and backgrounds that come together to learn and grow.

There will always be volatile actions taken by those who lack personal understanding or experience with people from other walks of life. While we will openly support our students, staff, and community members when such acts occur, we will also introduce programming to bridge those gaps at the root level.

That is why our office frequently acts as a conduit for student organizations, new faculty initiatives, and university-wide programming to improve our university community. With open collaboration, we can create a more inclusive space and continue moving.

medical students

What We Do

Creighton University has a vibrant collection of DEI opportunities. We are thrilled to lead and work geotherm with such a growing community of support.

Our goal for the School of Medicine is to continue these innovative programs and conversations in the healthcare field. When our students graduate and become critical members of society in the care centers, hospitals, and outreach programs of the world, they carry with them the need to offer treatment to people from all walks of life.

Medicine remains a unifying practice. Therefore, we will do all we can to foster a community and mindset that strives to expose our students to cultural differences and unique identifiers that improve our ability to treat and care for our fellow human beings. This will help break down any systematic or historical barriers and elevate our students to higher levels of practice and achievement.

This is reinforced by our ability to:

  • Offer insightful data-driven research to our students, faculty, staff, and community supporting new ideas and integrations into daily practice.
  • Support programs, events, and organizations that allow our students and community members to experience the rich diversity of our world in a relational manner.
  • Maintain a leadership position at our Medical School campuses in Omaha and Phoenix that is proactive, inclusive, and responsive to the needs of our community.
  • Treating everybody with duly respect, and accepting individuals, the way they are without prejudice or judgment.
asian and white female medical students

Our Fall 2022 Class Profile speaks

We have numbers that push us to give in our best and make sure that we break our own records. We are happy to be growing and helping more day by day.

stats for Creighton school of medicine


Why Diversity in Medicine Matters

The world has just faced one of the most extreme tests seen in the last century. As the global pandemic swept across nations, we suddenly faced nursing shortages, medical misinformation, and public distrust in those with exemplary reputations for healthcare research.

While some of this can be laid at the feet of fear and confusion, a great deal needs to be placed on the shoulders of our industry. We need to change. Diversifying our ranks is a pivotal instrument to rebuilding trust, even in the face of empirical evidence.

That is why our office works toward developing creative solutions to modern healthcare problems through the empowerment of diversity and inclusion on our campuses. Imagine the possibilities when we bring together minds from all over the world to tackle:

  • Biomedical research
  • Designing/Implementing Innovative Teaching Modalities
  • Integrating what makes us different in practical treatments without judgment
  • Showcasing individuals who elevate our industry, regardless of their race, gender identity, sex, ability, religion, socioeconomic class, citizenship, or any other aspect of human life
  • Recruiting faculty and students that reflect the diversity of our national population

The point is the key to curing cancer or finally understanding the full capacity of the human brain is in the hands of diverse teams working together to propel our society forward.

That is why Creighton University and the Office of Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging will do our utmost best to support this School of Medicine with every ounce of empowerment possible. Not only is it the right thing to do ethically, but it is the wise thing to do for a healthier, happier global community.