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Discover Your Graduate School Path

Discover Your Graduate School Path

Whether you’re an undergraduate student with your sights already set on an advanced degree, or you are a professional who wants to advance your career, the programs at Creighton University Graduate School can help you reach your goals. At Creighton you can be immersed in your field with on-campus programs, enjoy the flexibility of an online degree or have the best of both worlds with a hybrid program.


"We know that our graduate students have a lot more going on in their life than just taking graduate classes. They have families and many are working full time—those are all things that we have to consider when we're working with them in class. They're a whole person and not just a student."

—Nancy Bredenkamp, PhD, APRN-NP | Assistant Dean of Graduate Programs and Graduate Faculty Chair, College of Nursing

Planning Your Journey

Starting your graduate education on the right foot means knowing which direction to take. From the list below, select which type of learner you are and find out how the Graduate School at Creighton can help you reach your goals most efficiently.

Degree Seeker

You’re a recent undergraduate or you’re returning to university after spending some time in your career and you know for certain that you’re headed for a master’s or doctoral degree.

Non-Degree Seeker

You need new or updated professional skills, or you’re not quite ready to commit to an advanced degree. Earning credits isn’t your main goal; a specialized credential or certificate is more what you need.

Current Undergrad Student

You’re still completing your undergraduate degree and are ready to lay the foundation for your graduate school goals.

Current Grad Student

You’re currently enrolled in a graduate program, either at Creighton or elsewhere, and want to explore a new degree option or a dual degree program.


You’re an active or former member of the military and plan to use your GI Benefits to earn your degree or further your professional development.


You’re planning to partner with Creighton for your graduate studies and you’ll be learning from abroad or relocating to the Creighton campus from a country outside of the United States.

Adult Degree Completer

You’re a busy adult who’s ready to earn your bachelor’s degree in a flexible format to shift or advance your career.

Hybrid Programs

"Hybrid programs blend the best of both worlds. They give students access to immersive relationship building with their faculty and cohort mates on-campus, and then they go back home and balance a rigorous accelerated course load in the program online."

—Laurie Baedke, MHA, Instructor, Heider College of Business