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Is an Organizational Leadership Degree Right for Me?

Aug 30, 2022
5 min Read
Creighton University Staff
Woman studying from text book in lounge area.

Leadership Begins with an Investment in You

Are you a natural leader? Maybe you’ve been promoted into a leadership position and want to hone the skills you need to engage, inspire and lead effectively. Pursuing an advanced leadership degree can help you develop these critical skills to motivate and lead others and launch your career to a new level.

“A leadership degree means more now than ever,” says Gretchen Oltman, JD, PhD, Creighton University program director, Master of Science in Organizational Leadership (MSOL). “As professionals are rediscovering their true purpose in their work, how they want to spend their time, from where they want to work, and how they want to interact with the workplace, there is a need for the flexible and competent leader to step forward and help everyone adapt to what we now see as the ‘new normal’ of organizational functions.”

Keep reading to learn more about what you can expect from a degree in organizational leadership.

Why Organizational Leadership?

“If you are considering advanced leadership education, an organizational leadership degree is an important and relevant degree for these innovative times,” Dr. Oltman says. “The vast amount of technological growth we see today is creating an ever-changing workplace. Today’s leader needs to know how to respond to the changing dynamics of the organizations in which we live and work and inspire and engage others so they can still contribute to the organization’s success.”

Creighton University’s organizational leadership master’s degree can help you enhance your current skill set to become a more effective and engaged leader. The online degree empowers you with the skills you need to collaborate, navigate, build, train and motivate employees to drive successful organizational change in any environment.

An organizational leadership program should include an understanding of navigating and surviving change. Change is inevitable, especially in these times. But effective leaders aren’t fearful of change — they embrace all the possibilities that exist because of change.

The organizational leadership degree focuses on the human elements of an organization, including:

  • Communication techniques
  • Leadership theory
  • Multicultural workplace dynamics
  • Team development

In addition, you will learn more personal and innovative approaches to management that will allow you to accommodate the emotional element of the workplace and inspire staff to grow personally and professionally.

“Most importantly, at Creighton, you learn the value of self-care, reflective practices and finding purpose in your everyday life,” Dr. Oltman adds.

Where Does the Jesuit Tradition Fit?

As a Jesuit university, the curriculum for the master’s in organizational leadership program instills the Jesuit charisms that define how we interact with each other. These include caring for the whole person, seeking justice, finding God in all things, the importance of reflecting on the impact we have on others and “Magis,” which means we all can do “more” in a meaningful and purposeful way.

“These values ask us to look at doing more with the talents and qualities you have,” Dr. Oltman explains. “Are you really doing all you can to make an impact on the world around you?” Incorporating these Jesuit values allows you to apply them in real life, reflect on the value and meaning of everyday practices and determine how to invest more in the people you work with and lead.

The reflection piece is often overlooked. However, the ability to evaluate yourself as a leader and the willingness to enact change when necessary sets an important example to take responsibility and the initiative to grow.

Another Jesuit value is men and women for and with each other. Is there a better team-building model and leader-nurturing philosophy to bring to an organization? What makes a great leader genuinely remarkable is encouraging their team to grow into better people and, therefore, better leaders. Good leaders find ways to help their teams become more effective and efficient, listening to their concerns and advocating for change.

Is a Leadership Degree From Creighton Right For You?

A master’s in organizational leadership can help prepare you for a leadership position and be viewed as a career enhancement opportunity, notes Dr. Oltman.

After completing the online master’s in leadership degree at Creighton University, you will have strengthened your skills in the following areas:

  • Critical thinking and problem solving in real-world settings
  • Effective interdisciplinary leadership
  • Collaboration
  • Ethical behavior aligned with Ignatian values
  • First-class communication – both personal and organizational
  • Professional formation via deliberate, reflective practice

The organizational leadership degree is offered online at Creighton, allowing you the flexibility to continue working in your job while fitting the degree into the demands of your everyday life. You can use the elective classes to tailor the degree to your unique needs, interests and career goals in healthcare leadership, leading in business settings or negotiation and conflict resolution. 

According to job data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), organizational leaders will be in demand across the corporate, education, government and healthcare sectors through 2030. Management occupations are projected to grow nine percent, resulting in nearly one million new jobs. Employment growth is expected to be driven by forming new organizations and expanding existing ones.

The median annual wage for management occupations was $102,450 in May 2021, the highest salary of all the major occupational groups. Financial, marketing, engineering, information systems, human resources and health services managers show the highest median pay in their sectors.

The MSOL degree will help you become a more well-rounded human with skills that can be applied to all areas of your life. According to Dr. Oltman, this can include your professional and personal life, such as your church, school, volunteer activities and sports. All these areas require the ability to adapt to change, which can enhance how you choose to invest your time.

Creighton University Earns Top Online Graduate Program Rankings

In 2024, U.S. News & World Report named several Creighton University online programs at the top of their respective categories, including MBA Programs and Master’s Business Programs (non-MBA). These rankings are based on instructor engagement, the aptitude of students enrolled in the program, expert opinion from high-ranking academic officials at MBA programs, faculty credentials and training, and the availability of diverse learning technologies and other student services.

Consider what a master’s in organizational leadership would do for your personal life and career. Then learn how Creighton can get you there.

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