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Foundational Sequence: Honors students take three courses (9 credits) in their first three semesters that introduce them to the Christian, Catholic, and Jesuit intellectual traditions that lie at the heart of a Creighton education within the context of Western civilization and of the pluralistic world we inhabit. 

Sources and Methods Courses: Honors students take five courses (15-20) credits that induce them to think critically about information, assumptions, and arguments found in multiple forms of academic and cultural discourse. Several such courses are offered each semester in a range of academic disciplines. 

Intersections Course: Honors students may select any interdisciplinary “Intersections” course offered in the College.  

Senior Independent Research Project: Honors students are required to demonstrate their capacity for advanced, self-directed, individual work by completing an approved project within their major(s). They undertake these projects with the guidance of assigned faculty mentors and then present their findings during a campus-wide "Honors Day."  

Requirements for Good Standing:

Students entering the Honors Program are considered to be in good standing if: 

  1. The students are making acceptable progress towards fulfilling the requirements for an Honors Degree. Ordinarily, this means that Honors students should have completed at least 6 credit hours of Honors courses by the end of their freshman year, 12 by the end of their sophomore year, and 18 by the end of their junior year; and 

  1. The students have maintained a GPA of at least 3.3 for all courses taken at Creighton; and 

  1. The students have maintained a GPA of at least 3.0 for all Honors courses taken at Creighton. (This Honors-specific GPA will not be computed until a student has completed at least two Honors courses.) 

Honors students that are not in good standing will be notified and will be given one semester to remedy the situation.  Failure to remedy may result in their dismissal from the Honors Program.