Dahomey Stamps
1990? Three Dahomey Fable Stamps showing TH (10F), FS (35F), and "Le Chat, la Belette et le petit Lapin" (40F). Republique du Dahomey. Each is signed both "(P.) Lambert" and "(C.) Haley." $4.12 from Jan Nackaerts, Bornem, Belgium, through eBay, August, '03.
Each stamp uses three colors effectively together. A main scene, like the tortoise standing triumphant while the hare scurries, is complemented by side figures, like the tortoise dawdling and eating. Just a few evenings ago, I mentioned a propos of the imperforate version I had found of FS that I thought there was a series to which it belonged. Here is the series!
1990? One imperforate stamp showing FS. Maroon and blue. 35F. Republique du Dahomey. Signed "Haley." $8.49 from Westminster Stamp Gallery, Ltd., Foxboro, MA, through eBay, August, '05.
This stamp comes out of nowhere for me. I did not know of its existence. I suspect that it has several companions in a series of either La Fontaine fables or FS. It presents the climactic moment in which the stork can get food out of the vase but the fox cannot.