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Intellectual Resources Management

Intellectual Resource Management - Technology Transfer Office

IRM-TTO Mission

The mission of the Intellectual Resource Management (IRM) Technology Transfer Office (TTO) is to serve the creative minds of Creighton University by facilitating relationships that allow them to be successful in developing innovative technologies that positively impact the local, national and worldwide communities.

What We Do

The primary focus of IRM-TTO is to protect Creighton University's academic discoveries and intellectual property, and to promote their transfer into the marketplace. IRM also strives to build strong, collaborative relationships with the business community, in order to strengthen Creighton University and to promote economic growth and development in our region and elsewhere in the world.

When we receive invention disclosures from faculty, staff and students we assess their commercial viability. If applicable, we license them to the business community.  Royalties collected by IRM-TTO help fund the departments and schools from which the academic discoveries originated, and a certain percentage, based on CU IP Policy, goes to the inventors. In addition to licensing activities, we facilitate the formation of startups based on university technologies.

We continue to build relationships with the business community largely through our licensing agreements and intellectual property management programs for businesses.

Office Location

The IRM office is located on the Creighton University campus, in the Linn Building, at 511 North 20th Street.