Community Partnerships

We Help Those in Need Through Community Partnerships

Creighton is proud to be a top-tier Jesuit university that educates students in Jesuit traditions as they become leaders in the service of others. Staying active in the neighborhoods where we live and learn is a vital part of this effort. Our strong community partnerships provide students with opportunities to put classroom lessons to work in the places they can do the most good.

The Jesuit value of cura personalis—care for the person—is at the core of our healthcare outreach. Compassion and concern for human dignity are the hallmarks of the care we provide.

CHI Health
A regional leader in providing free or unreimbursed health care to the underserved—serving more than 460,000 patients annually, which equates to more than $30 million in healthcare costs.

Creighton Dental Clinic 
Provides a vital community service for the underserved, while providing exceptional clinical experiences to students. More than 11,000 patients are served annually, and dental students and faculty volunteer hundreds of hours toward activities.

Institute for Latin American Concern
Provides assistance, health care and education to the people of the Dominican Republic. At the same time, the program gives students a unique opportunity for service and reflection.

Magis Clinic
Founded in 2004 by Creighton medical students. Located at the Siena/Francis House Homeless Shelter in Omaha, it is the only free clinic in the area open on Saturdays that provides health care for the homeless and uninsured.

One World Community Health Center
Provides culturally respectful healthcare services to uninsured and low-income patients in South Omaha. At this service-learning site, Creighton students provide medical, dental and social work services. 

Porto Urgent Care Clinic
A joint partnership between the Heart Ministry Center and Creighton University, offers free preventive and urgent care health services to underserved populations on a walk-in basis.

Project CURA
Provides international outreach in Peru, India, Southeast Asia and Romania.

Guided by the values of St. Ignatius, we educate ethical leaders who pursue a more just world, starting with their time in school. We seek justice for all people, especially the poor and marginalized.

Creighton’s Legal Clinics
Provide a much-needed service to the community and “hands-on” learning environment for Creighton law students.

The Milton R. Abrahams Legal Clinic offers free legal assistance on civil matters to low-income residents. The clinic operates as a small law firm, staffed by law students under the supervision of faculty.

The Community Economic Development (CED) Clinic promotes economic growth and stability within underserved communities in Nebraska by offering services to nonprofits and micro-enterprise businesses. Third-year law students gain valuable clinical experience while working at the CED.

Institute for Latin American Concern
Offers undergraduate students and professional students the opportunity to learn, serve and gain a global vision during immersive learning experiences in the Dominican Republic.

We understand that only together can we affect real change in the world. That’s why Creighton operates in partnership with local, regional, national and international organizations to share knowledge, serve the underserved, engage in important social and cultural conversations, and improve educational and economic opportunities.

Project Homeless Connect
A one-day community event hosted by Creighton that serves as a “one-stop shop,” connecting homeless individuals to needed services, including:

  • Housing
  • Healthcare
  • Legal resources
  • Social Security
  • Food-stamp benefits
  • Employment opportunities

Since the inaugural event in 2008, the program has helped thousands of homeless individuals.

Matches Creighton students with developmentally disabled individuals for an afternoon of games, crafts, bingo, food and even some karaoke.

Creighton forges community partnerships—near and far—to provide students, faculty, staff and community members with opportunities. Partnerships can: 

  • provide service-learning opportunities for students while benefiting a community organization
  • connect a business to tomorrow’s talent through internships, career fairs and more
  • help business and organizations meet education and training needs for their employees
  • drive solutions to challenges in the community and within organizations—and much more​.

For more information about Creighton’s outreach efforts or to inquire about a partnership, visit the Center for Professional and Corporate Excellence.

Demetria Panopoulos

Nursing Student

"We learn compassion, how to treat everyone equally. Others may study for a salary. We're studying for the benefit of others."

Demetria Panopoulos, nursing student